The Business Improvement Network

Join the Business Improvement Network today

The purpose of the network is to help members to Connect, Share and Learn – from others - about all aspects of Business Improvement. Membership to the network is FREE.

When you join, we will offer you a complimentary telephone call to understand you, your business needs and how the Network can be of service to you and, perhaps, how you can help your fellow BIN members.

Members often tell us they join to gain access to the network of experience, ideas and knowledge that exists within the growing membership, to be able to discuss matters with others, getting a different perspective and input. One member said ‘it’s like getting free business consultancy!’

The network runs business events and workshops, often hosted or sponsored by a member company, such as Siemens, Telefonica or BT. This enables us to keep the cost of attending these important business improvement networking events to a minimum.

Please ensure you tick the box for us to be able to contact you, or else we will not be able to email you, share information and invite you to participate in events.

Join today, free, by completing this form.

Sign up today and improve your business

"Continuous Improvement is better than delayed perfection"

Mark Twain

Get to know your host

PJ Stevens is an experienced facilitator who specialises in people and business improvement. He champions Open Space as a forum for relevant business discussion and is committed to collective brilliance. He is in the room to facilitate and help members to Connect, Share and Learn ... to improve business and businesses.

PJ Stevens

PJ Stevens, BIN - Business Improvement Network